Bachelor in International Business Studies


Bachelor Phase

The bachelor phase lasts from the third to the sixth semester and combines a focus on International Business Studies with courses in other subject areas.
A feature of this particular degree program is that students spend one or two semesters of this time studying at one of our partner universities across the world. We recommend that students spend their fifth and/or sixth semester abroad. A list of our partner universities can be obtained from the International Relations Office.
The ‘International Business Studies’ specialism consists of core courses (with an international focus, e.g. international company management) and options that deal with subjects in greater depth (with the opportunity to combine choices from a wide range of subjects with study periods abroad). All the courses that are required for the bachelor phase can be found in the Module Handbook. Within nine weeks of finishing the bachelor phase, students must submit a bachelor’s thesis. This thesis can either be done at one of the partner universities or at the School of Business and Economics in Nuremberg.