This program examines in depth the various aspects of the labor market, the world of employment and human resources from a range of different perspectives. A particular feature of this program is a strongly empirical and interdisciplinary approach and a focus on the acquisition of subject skills in several economics and social sciences disciplines.
Structure and Content
Core courses in the first two semesters provide students with a theoretical and empirical grounding in a broad range of subjects. In the third semester students choose three options in which to specialize according to their personal interests and individual career aims. The final component of the course is a master’s thesis written during the fourth semester.
Career Aims
Jobs in research, organization and personnel development, economic and political advisor; potential employers are, for example, research institutes, Federal Employment Agency (“Bundesagentur für Arbeit”), human resource departments, business consulting companies, trade associations and government ministries.
Target Group
Graduates with a bachelor’s degree in business and/or economics from a university or a university of applied sciences or graduates with a bachelor in social sciences or socio-economics with basic knowledge of statistics and economics.
More on the Master in Labor Market and Human Resources