This program combines knowledge of information technology with management and interdisciplinary skills. Teaching covers a combination of subject independent knowledge transfer, preparation for academic tasks and job-specific skills development. The languages of instruction for the non-consecutive program are German and English.
Structure and Content
In the first three semesters students are offered a range of courses with an international and interdisciplinary focus – supplemented by a “Transferable Skills“ module. The third semester prepares students for future work in e-business and IT management with a project-based research seminar. In the fourth semester students complete their master’s thesis in cooperation with an international company or an academic partner abroad.
Career Aims
Management jobs in global high-tech companies.
Target Group
Graduates with a bachelor degree in a business, economics or technical subject from a university or a university of applied sciences who wish to undertake a master’s in business computing and have an interest in innovative applications of information and communications technology.
More on the Master in International Information Systems