Master in International Business Studies (MIBS)


At the forefront of the master’s degree program in International Business Studies is the acquisition of the skills and knowledge required to make independent judgments on complex business matters in an international business context. The ability to recognize and analyze problems as well as develop effective solutions is key to overcoming the complex challenges of a globally interconnected business world. Students acquire a solid grounding in international management and develop the intercultural competence and communication skills necessary to meet these challenges.

Structure and Content

The program usually takes four semesters and is composed of five core modules: International Business Environments, International Management, International Accounting, Financial and Tax Management, Practice of International Business, an option in Area Studies and the master’s thesis. Teaching is conducted in English.

Career Aims

Management positions in globally operating companies, associations and organizations.

Target Group

Graduates with a bachelor degree in business and/or economics from a university or a university of applied sciences. Graduates from a university or a university of applied sciences with a bachelor degree in a different subject may be accepted if they can demonstrate sufficient knowledge of business and economics.

More on the Master in International Business Studies